A Steam Trap is an automatic valve that allows condensate, air and other non-condensable gases to be discharged from the steam system while holding or trapping the steam in the system. Several different types of steam trap technologies exist to accomplish this extremely critical and necessary task. Watson McDaniel manufactures a variety of steam trap types and sizes to handle a wide range of applications.
Thermodynamic Steam Traps operate in a cyclic on/off process using the thermodynamic properties of flash steam as it flows through the trap. Thermodynamic traps use only one moving part, the valve disc, which allows condensate to escape when present and closes tightly upon the arrival of steam. These traps have an inherently rugged design and are commonly used as drip traps on steam mains and supply lines, at pressures over 30 PSIG, as well as tracer traps for critical steam tracing applications, where no back-up of condensate can be tolerated. Their solid construction and single moving part make them resistant to waterhammer and are freezeproof when installed vertically. Thermodynamic traps will only discharge small amounts of air and therefore are typically not used in process applications.
The TD600 Thermodynamic Steam Trap is commonly used as a drip trap on steam mains and steam supply lines. These traps can be used on tracing applications; however, thermostatic traps are normally recommended for this service. Ideal for outdoor applications that are subject to freezing and for superheated steam conditions.
The TD600S Thermodynamic Steam Trap is commonly used as a drip trap on steam mains and steam supply lines. Supplied with an integral strainer and optional blowdown valve to protect the trap from contamination. These traps can be used on tracing applications; however, thermostatic traps are normally recommended for this service. Ideal for outdoor applications that are subject to freezing and for superheated steam conditions.
The TD700S Thermodynamic Steam Trap is commonly used as a drip trap on steam mains and steam supply lines. These traps are used on tracing applications; however, thermostatic traps are normally recommended for this service. Supplied with an integral strainer and optional blowdown valve to protect the trap from contamination. The internal working mechanism of the WD700S can be completely replaced while the trap body remains in line. Ideal for outdoor applications that are subject to freezing and for superheated steam conditions.
The TD900S/TD900LS Thermodynamic Steam Trap is primarily used as a drip trap on high pressure steam mains and steam supply lines. Ideal for outdoor applications that are subject to freezing and for superheated steam conditions.
The bellows type Thermostatic Trap uses a fluid-filled thermal element (bellows) that operates under the principle of thermal expansion and contraction. The fluid vaporizes and expands as the temperature increases, causing the bellows to close the valve. As the temperature decreases, the fluid condenses and contracts, causing the bellows to open the valve. These traps provide excellent air handling capability and are used for drip, non-critical tracing and process applications. The main advantage of the thermal element is that on start-up loads, the trap is in the open position, allowing air and condensate to be rapidly removed from the system. Watson McDaniel thermal element traps offer wide operating pressure ranges, rugged welded stainless steel bellows, and various orifice sizes, making them a great choice for a majority of applications.
The WT1000 Thermostatic Steam Trap was specifically designed for drip and tracing applications as well as an air vent for heat exchangers. Like all thermostatic traps, the WT1000 is small, light, and has excellent air handling capabilities. The discharging of air on start-up allows steam to enter the system more quickly.
The WT2000 Thermostatic Steam Trap is used for drip, tracing, and process applications. Their compact size, all stainless steel construction, excellent air handling capabilities, and the ability to operate over a wide pressure range make them a good choice for most applications. They can also be used as an air vent on heat exchangers. Thermostatic traps are far superior to bucket traps and thermodynamic traps in their ability to remove air from the system. The discharging of air on start up allows steam to enter the system more quickly.
The WT2500 Thermostatic Steam Trap is used for drip, tracing and process applications. Their compact size, excellent air handling capability and wide operating pressure range make them a great choice for most applications. Thermostatic traps are far superior to bucket traps and thermodynamic disc traps in their ability to remove air from the system.
The WT3000 Thermostatic Steam Trap is used for industrial process applications. Their compact size, all stainless steel construction, excellent air handling capability and wide operating pressure range make them a great choice for most process applications. Thermostatic traps are far superior to bucket traps and thermodynamic disc traps in their ability to remove air from the system.
The WT4000 Thermostatic Steam Trap is used for industrial process applications. Their compact size, all stainless steel construction, excellent air handling capability and wide operating pressure range make them a great choice for most process applications. Thermostatic traps are far superior to bucket traps and thermodynamic disc traps in their ability to remove air from the system.
The WT5000 Series Bimetal Steam Trap is used in steam tracing applications (process lines, instrumentation and winterization, general steam jacketing) and small process applications where accurate control of condensate discharge temperature is required to utilize the sensible heat of the condensate.
TA25B,TA125,TS25B,TS125 Thermostatic Steam Trap are predominantly used in the HVAC industry. They are referred to as radiator traps because the quick-disconnect right angle connection is found on most radiator installations. Their excellent air handling capabilities, compact size, and economical cost make them a great choice for air vents on heat exchangers or for steam trap applications on OEM equipment.
Engineering data for all Watson McDaniels products is located here.
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